Consultancy and design support
Consultancy services
Our goal is to keep your production running as smoothly and efficiently as possible. That is why our expert consultancy services include:
We will help ease bottlenecks and advise on ways in which to improve your systems and production line
Production line efficiencies:
Working with your engineers, we can help to simplify or remove unnecessary processes
Fault finding:
Our engineering expertise means we are perfectly placed to test, inspect, and optimise your current setup
Assembly and upgrades:
We can help assemble complex machinery, systems, and controls and upgrade automation machinery
Peace of mind:
Ensure a seamlessly smooth process with an automated test and inspection system designed and installed by us
Breakdown response
Every second a production line is out of commision costs money. Our process engineering, and technical expertise means we can respond quickly to breakdown situations, assess and rectify the problem, and get your production line back up and running in next to no time.
Design Support
Whether you need something designed from scratch or an identical replacement part, we can quickly and accurately design for manufacture and assembly.
Our process is specifically designed to improve efficiency and eliminate errors. Our preference is to work with your CAD data, which we can import directly into Solidworks CAD or our OneCNC CAM software to automatically programme the component manufacture.
We can import design data and drawings in any of the following formats:

- SolidWorks (.sldprt .sldasm .slddrw)
- Drawing Exchange Format (.dxf)
- Drawing (.dxg)
- Adobe Photoshop (.psd)
- AAdobe Illustrator (.ai)
- Parasolid (.x_t)
- STEP (.stp)
- ACIS (.sat)
- Pro/E Part (.prt)
- Pro/E Assembly (.sm)
- Unigraphics (.prt)
- Industry Foundation Classes (IFC)
- Inventor Part (.ipt)
- Inventor Assembly (.iam)
- Solid Edge Part (.psm)
- IGES (.igs, .iges)
- VDAFS (.vda)
- VRML (.wrl)
- STL (.stl)
- CATIA Graphics (.cgr)
- Solid Edge Assembly (asm)
- CADKEY (.prt, .ckd)
- Add-Ins (.dll)
- IDF (.emn, .brd, .bdf, .ibd)
- Rhino (.3dm)
For CNC/CAM programming we use OneCNC software which supports industry standard file types including STEP, IGES, Parasolid, SAT, VDA-SF, Solidwords(.sdldprt), Rhino, DXF, DWG for ease of communication.